othm video, paraphrasing, checklist, how to do assignment, academic writing, rubric

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Journal , how -to

4 keys to pass OTHM assignment

Citation and Referencing

level 4 pass criteria, OTHM

Explain - how to

Critique- a suggestion

citation guide for intext citation (here

Report writing suggestion


how to do it, some suggestion for developing assignments

academic writing -- illustration 


Demonstrating the evaluation checklist to do assignment

Suggestion on how to do an assignment ; 

sample-work :  :  sample-assign




Checklist compliance, rev. 5

Direction. For students before the assignment is submitted to the teacher, need to ensure yes for all checklist questions.




1.    Is the format (AC 1.0, AC 2.0) heading followed?



2.    Did the command verb was followed?



3.    Required number of words were delivered? Note: References are not part of the count.



4.    Were the font styles Times Roman?



5. Are the fonts the same color?



6.    Was font size set to “14?



7. Does the paraphrasing (if ever) such as a change of words or sentence order preserve the meaning of the original sentence?



8.    Is the command verb “list” (if any) bulleted or numbered?



9.    Does the explain command verb provide a reason for opinion?



10. Does explaining the command verb provides an example of the reason made?



11. Does the essay question (if any) have an introduction?



12. Is the essay question (if any) has body paragraph?



13. Does the essay question have a conclusion?



14. Does the report command verb (if any) follow the format?



15. Does the evaluation command verb follow the format?



16. Does the describing command verb (if any) follow the format?



17. Is there a citation for each task?



18. Is there referencing made?



19. Has the assignment been proofread with Grammarly?



20. Does the figure (if any) have a label?



21. Have the tables (if any) have labels?



22. Has the online reference style been followed?



23. Is the narrative delivery formal? The tone of voice, and language, align with academic writing.



24. Has the Harvard referencing style been followed?



25. Is the assignment checked with the criteria as per p.3 of the task brief or specification?



26. Was the assignment submitted for plagiarism checked? If yes, does t h e percentage report

shown below 20%? If yes, submit, else, revise to improve.



27. Are the formative assessments per task kept?



28. Are formative assessment videos, and pictures kept?



29. Is the cover page attached?



30. Is the assessor’s sheet attached?



31. [for assessor] Are all formative assessments attached?



32. Suggested to have 20 books references





OTHM evaluation Rubric

Assessment guidance for criterion referenced marking.

The assessment grading criteria characterises the level of complexity and demand expected of students at each level of qualification. Please note that these are generic descriptors which apply mainly, though not exclusively, to written academic work.


Any further unit-specific assessment criteria, such as number of words, should be clearly stated in each individual assignment brief.



Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7


Detailed answers to all parts of the questions or tasks.


Clearly structured and focused, demonstrating overall coherence and in- depth understanding of the unit content and assessment requirements.


Evidence of the use of independently sourced material, well applied in all contexts.

Very few errors in grammar as appropriate.

Detailed response to all relevant parts of the questions or tasks, with evidence of clear understanding of the issues.


Well-structured with evidence of independent reading supporting the argument.


Clear evidence of a range of independently sourced material, well applied in all contexts.

Very few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

Very full, independent response to the assignment, applying relevant material well beyond any module input, demonstrating independent study.


Excellent understanding and application of relevant theory, concepts and models. Very clear logical structure.


Very few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

Excellent links between relevant ideas, theories and practice.


Evidence of independent learning and the ability to engage critically and analytically with a wide range of contextually relevant resource material.


Demonstration of original insights supported by well- structured overall argument.

Very few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

The work demonstrates engagement in an academic debate which presents clear evidence of a considered understanding of the topics studied.


There is evidence of clear synthesis of theoretical issues and practice.

A critical analysis of theoretical models and/or practical applications has resulted in originality.


Very few errors in referencing or grammar

or syntax as appropriate.


Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7


Little attempt to engage with assignment brief.

Learning outcomes not fully met.

Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.

Little attempt to engage with assignment brief.

Learning outcomes not fully met.

Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.

Little attempt to engage with assignment brief.

Learning outcomes not fully met.

Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.

Little attempt to engage with assignment brief.


Learning outcomes not fully met.

 Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.

Whilst some of the characteristics of a pass have been demonstrated, the work does not address each of the outcomes for the specified assessment task.


The work may be an overly descriptive account demonstrating minimal interpretation, and there is very limited evidence of analysis, synthesis or evaluation.


No counterarguments or alternative frames of

reference are generated or considered.



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